Module Navigation

Managing Your Forms in ExakTime Connect

The 'Forms' page of ExakTime Connect allows you to manage your forms such as viewing form pages, assigning a form to your employees, or toggling the settings of your form. Your forms can also be archived if they are no longer necessary for your company. 

Expand for Navigation Steps to Forms Manager
  • Go to Tools and click  Forms Manager.

    ETC - Menu - Tools - 2024 - Form Manager - 00.png

Managing your Forms

The 'Forms' list is the primary page for managing, creating, and assigning your Forms.

ETC - Form Managers - Forms List - 00.png

The top of the Forms page will provide two buttons to create a form and a search bar to filter your forms by their name.

  • Add Form button - Create a form with an unlimited number of steps.
  • Form Wizard button - Go through a step-by-step wizard to create a form. This wizard has a 5-page limit when creating a form.

The Forms page will show a list of your current forms with the following columns:

  • Actions
    • ET - Tools - Alerts Notifications - Eye Icon - 00.png - View the form and text translations in Spanish and French.
    • Pencil - Edit Icon - 00.png - Edit the form. This button will not be available for any form with the type of 'Custom'.
    • ET - TEMP - Tools - Alerts Notifications - Archive Icon.png - Archive the form. This will make the form inactive, remove it from the list, and unassign it from employees. An archived form can be viewed by removing the appropriate filter. 
  • Status - Click the three dots in the header to filter the list based on the status. A form can have the following status:
    • Active - The Form is active and available to assigned users.
    • Inactive - The Form is inactive and is not available to assigned users. The form can still be edited while in this state.
    • Archived - The Form is archived and remains unavailable to assigned users and cannot be edited.
      • Archived forms are not listed by default. Clicking the column header will allow you to include 'Archived' forms in the forms list.
  • Type - Click the three dots in the header to filter the list based on the type. A form can have the following type:
    • Clock In - This form will appear after the standard clock in process.
    • Clock Out - This form will appear after the standard clock out process.
    • Library - This form type appears on ExakTime Mobile from the 'Forms' menu and is filled out as needed.
      • Library forms cannot be assigned and are available for all employees.
    • Custom - This form type is for any forms created before the introduction of Form Manager, such as the standard forms or a custom developed form. For more information about 'Custom' form types, refer to the following article.
    • Arcoro - Premade forms that cannot be modified. They can only be assigned or made active. If you would like more information, refer to the following article.
  • Form Name
  • Employees Assigned - The number of employees assigned to the form.
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