Module Navigation

Assigning a Mobile Form for ExakTime

Assigning a Form allows you to specify which employees should complete it when clocking in or clock out. You can assign your forms to all your employees, specific employees, by the employee category, or by the employee group. Library forms can only be assigned to all of your employees. 

Expand for Navigation Steps to Assigning a Form
  1. Go to Tools and click Forms Manager.


  2. Click Add Form from the side navigation or the Add Form button. Create your form as needed.

    ETC - Form Manager - Menu - Add Form - 00.png

  3. Click the Pencil - Edit Icon - 00.png pencil icon if you are editing an existing form.

    ETC - Form Manager - Menu - Edit - 00.png

  4. Click the Assignments tab.

    ETC - Form Managers - Create Form - Assignments - 03.png

Assigning a Form

Forms currently have the following options for assignment:

Assign to All Employees


All current and future employees will be assigned this form. This option will ignore employee viewsets and will assign the form to employees that are not within your viewset.

If a form has the 'Library' form type, this is the only option available for employee assignments.

Assign to Specific Employees

Allows you to assign the form to specific employees, employee groups, or employee categories. When assigning the form to specific employees, you can also filter your employees based on their category or group. The list of employees can be exported to PDF 

By All Employees

View a list of all of your employees to select from. This can be helpful when only specific employees should use a form. Employees will need to be manually added or removed from the form assignments.

ETC - Form Manager - Create Form - Employee Assignments - All Employees - 01.png

By Employee Category

Assign a form based on the employee's category. When the category is added to the employee's profile, the form will be automatically assigned to the employee. If the category is removed from the employee's profile, the form will be automatically unassigned from the employee.

This assignment option does not use location or cost code categories for form assignment.

ETC - Form Manager - Create Form - Employee Assignments - Category - 01.png

By Employee Group

Assign a form based on the employee group. When an employee is added to the employee group, the form will be automatically assigned to the employee. If the employee is removed from the employee group, the form will be automatically unassigned from the employee. 

When creating an employee group, the option for 'Show in ExakTime Mobile' does not have to be enabled. This allows you to create employee groups that only appear in ExakTime Connect and not for your ExakTime Mobile users. 

ETC - Form Manager - Create Form - Employee Assignments - Employee Group - 01.png

After assigning the form, click Save & Continue to save and continue viewing the form to add additional pages or assign the form to employees. Click Save & Finish to save the form and return to the "Forms List".

After assigning a form to employees, it must be active and enabled for ExakTime Mobile use from the Settings tab

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