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Adding & Editing User Roles for the ATS

While we offer a set of default user roles that address common scenarios, you can create and edit non-default user roles to fit your company's needs.

Navigating to User Roles
  • Click Administration from the top menu bar.


  • Click User Roles from the list on the left-hand side.



Adding/Editing a User Role

  • Click Add User Role. to add a new user role or click the ATS_-_Pencil_Icon_-_00.png pencil icon to edit an existing non-default user role.


  • A menu should appear like below. Fill/edit the given fields:
    • Name - The name for the role, such as Hiring Manager.
    • Cross Reference Code - (Optional) Used for the import template for bulk importing users and assigning the appropriate User Role.
    • Description - (Optional) Enter a description for the User Role. 


  • (Optional) Use the "Admin Presets" drop-down menu to toggle the system default options for the selected preset admin role and click Apply Preset. The roles available are:
    • Basic Administrator
    • Jobs Administrator
    • Limited Jobs Administrator
    • Candidate Administrator
    • Account Administrator
    • Job Requisition Administrator


  • Scroll down through the permission list and enable the desired user permission by clicking the Off/On toggle. "Check All" and "Uncheck All" allows you to select/deselect all permissions with a single click for easier permission adjustments. For more details on each permission, hover over the question-circle.svg icon.


  • Click Save Changes when done.
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