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How to Schedule a Report for the Talent Dashboard

 No Longer Supported

The Talent Dashboard is no longer offered or supported. The following resource is for reference only.

Navigating to Reports in Talent Management
  • Go to the navigation menu of Talent Management and click Talent Dashboard.


  • Click Reports from the Talent Dashboard.


  • Click the Schedule InfoGo.scheduleOff.png icon under the Actions column. A menu should open.


  • Fill out the scheduling menu as needed:
    • Reports can be emailed to any address and accessed from the email, without having to log into the talent dashboard. The recipient viewing the report does not need a log on to access the report.
    • Reports can be scheduled on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis with different starts time and dates.


  • Any report with an active report schedule will have a green Schedule InfoGo.scheduleActive.png icon on the Reports page. Clicking the icon will allow you to modify the active report schedule.


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