No Longer Supported
The Talent Dashboard is no longer offered or supported. The following resource is for reference only.
Additional widgets are available for your Dashboard depending on the modules you have for your system.
Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Widgets
Job Posting Summary
This chart widget provides employees visibility into job status. The widget will show the count of jobs that are open, on hold, closed, or requisitions pending approval. The system will only display jobs that the user has access to. ATS Admins will see all jobs in the system. The default display will be for 30 days.
Candidate Summary
This widget displays the candidates that have applied and been hired in the last 3, 7, and 30 days. If the employee is not an ATS Admin, the widget will only show candidates for jobs assigned to the employee. ATS Admins will see all jobs in the system.
Source Analytics
The Source Analytics widget will display sources of candidates. An ATS Admin should see statistics for all jobs within their organization.
The widget is defaulted to 30 days for the data to be returned driven by the create date of the job candidate (Applies) and the hired date of the job candidate (Hires).
- If the employee has the permission role of “View Jobs List”, the system will treat them as a System Admin and display the jobs and statistics.
- If the employee has the permission role of “View Only Jobs They Are Assigned To,” they will only see statistics for the jobs assigned to that employee.
Onboarding Widgets
New Hire Paperwork Incomplete/Management Approval Pending
The incomplete new hires widget shows users with the Onboarding roles of Admins, Admin Manager, and Manager a snapshot of individuals that have not started or are in the process of completing their portion of the paperwork. It also shows the manager how many employees they will be wrapping up their paperwork for and verifying the necessary documentation.
Pending New Hires
Pending New Hires widget gives employees with Onboarding roles of Admins, Admin Manager, and Manager quick glance visibility to see the new hires in process. The widget is a pie chart that shows new hires in the following states both as a count as well as a percentage of the total.
Performance Widgets
My Goals
This widget will display all open goals for the logged-in employee (goals with a completion date in the past will not show). Only 3 goals will initially display but employees with more can scroll in the widget to see all their open goals. Each row will contain one goal, displaying the Goal Title and Goal Description text along with the due date. When a user clicks on a goal, the system should take the user to the Evaluation > My Goals page.
Pending Evaluations
This widget requires the Administrator role. This widget shows a pie graph that will give high-level, easy visibility to see how many completed versus outstanding evaluations exist in the system. This widget is available only to Administrators with the Evaluation Admin permission in Talent. The pie chart will show the percentage (and how many) assigned evaluations during that period are in Self Review, Manager Review or Completed.
Learning Widgets
My Training
This widget will contain all of the employee's training, either assigned with associated due dates or electives. This widget is available for all employees and they will be able to launch a course directly from this widget.
The entire Learning Plan that has a not-yet-completed course with the most pressing due date will appear at the top of the list. The courses that are assigned by Learning Plans will be collapsed under that Learning Plan title. Learning Plans will be sorted based on the course due dates inside. Clicking on a Learning Plan task will launch to the My Learning Plan tab.
The sort order of courses will be based on the Due Date. Elective Courses that the student has enrolled in through the catalog or have been recommended will not have a due date and therefore will appear at the bottom of the list. Clicking on a course record from this widget will launch the course in another window.
The widget should be static in height and a scroll bar will appear if the employee has more records than fit in the window.
Training Calendar
This widget is available to all employees and is a calendar view for future classes (both instructor-led and virtual instructor-led) to provide employees with an easy view of possible classes in which they can enroll. When a user clicks on the event, the system should take the user to the Class Info page so they can enroll or request approval. The calendar defaults to the current month but employees can move from month to month and view a week or day.
Future classes will display on the date cell and employees can click on the dates to see further detail, including:
- Course Name
- Start Date/Time - End Date/Time
- Classroom
Training Hours
Training Hours gives the employee a quick glance at how many hours of training they've consumed and compared to the company average. The values are calculated by the sum of the duration for all courses:
- For the employee, it is only the duration of the training he/she has completed.
- For the average, it is the sum of all courses completed divided by the number of employees/employees in the learning module.
At-Risk Training Widget
Designed to provide employees, at quick glance, who on their team has training that is overdue or coming due soon.
Managers will only see the at-risk training for their direct reports while Administrators will see all the at-risk training for the entire company. If an employee is both a manager and an Administrator, the system will show the Administrator view for all at-risk training.
The system will display and color code all transcript items that have a due date that is in the past or where a due date coming due in the next 90 days and is not yet completed, sorted by the due date.
- Items between 60 - 90 days: No color
- Items between 30-60 days: Yellow
- Items between 1-30 days: Orange
- Items at zero or past due: Red