Module Navigation

How to Add a System Administrator to Your ATS

Having additional administrators allows you to have multiple users that can address your company's needs and have backups in the event the primary administrator is not available.

  1. Click Administration from the menu bar.


  2. Click User Maintenance on the left-hand side.



  3. Click Add User towards the top-left.


  4. A menu should appear like below. Enter the user's basic information, email, and username that will be used to log in with.
    • If you have multiple Arcoro modules (ATS, Onboarding, etc.), it is important that the name, email, and username are consistent across all your modules and unique for the Arcoro system/products. The best practice is to use the user's work email address as their username. 
    • If you are also using our Core module, it is best to set up the user and username in Core first as Core is the "source of truth" for other modules and allows your employees to navigate between Arcoro modules with a single username.


  5. Scroll down and toggle the "System Administrator" role.
    • If multiple user roles are selected, the lowest possible permissions level will be used and override other permissions. The best practice is to create a new user role instead of combining multiple user roles. For more information regarding this, you can refer to User Roles for the ATS.


  6. Select Notification Preferences. Determines the frequency in which the user is notified of new applicants for jobs they are assigned to.


  7. Click Save Changes when done.
  8. A verification email will be sent to the user shortly to confirm their email address is active and create their password if they do not already have access to other Arcoro modules.
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