This portion of Online Help describes the steps required to prepare your system for Open Enrollment. Depending upon your current and/or desired use of the system, you may wish to perform activities outside the scope of this process.
As you approach the busy Open Enrollment season, we would like to support you in any way possible. If you need additional assistance, we also offer Open Enrollment packages at an additional cost.
These packages are designed to support you in the configuration of your Benefit Management module and Open Enrollment Window. These configuration needs to be completed on an annual basis in order for your system to continue functioning properly for benefits management. Our support packages allow a specialized representative to configure the majority of the upcoming open enrollment on behalf of your company and review everything for accuracy before your open enrollment begins. Depending on the package you purchase, we may also provide rollover and delivery of EDI files (this process is also required annually).
Please contact your Account Manager immediately if you choose to have one of our specialized representatives complete the Open Enrollment configuration for you. Please keep in mind that our team needs change data at least 60-30 days prior to the planned start of the OE window in order to guarantee the OE start date. Data provided past this time-frame may incur expedite fees. Even if you have not confirmed all of your changes, we strongly suggest starting the support process well before the launch of OW Window, as we can then get the ball rolling.