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Exportable Fields for Beneficiary

Core HR offers the ability to build basic, and advanced, ad hoc reporting via the Exports module. This article offers the exportable fields that pertain to Beneficiaries. The fields tab within a custom export also offers the data dictionary, which can be filtered by category and reviewed. 

Additional Notes: 

  • Beneficiary exports will not produce any records that are equal to the employee record 
    • ie: If the employee is the beneficiary of their spouses life insurance, they will not pull via a beneficiary export created. 


Data > Exports > Manage > Select Export > Fields Tab


Field Name: Field Description: Data Type:
Benefit Name Name of the benefit that the beneficiary assignment applies to Text
City Beneficiary's City Text
Custom Beneficiary ID This is a custom field that will display the Employee ID and the Beneficiary number.
The format is as follows "Employee ID - B#" where the # of 1 is for spouse,
2-9 is for children, 10 for parent, 20 for friend, and 30 for sibling.
Effective Date Date beneficiary assignment is active Date
Expiration Date Date beneficiary assignment ends Date
First Name Beneficiary's First Name Text
Home Phone Home phone number assigned to the beneficiary Text
Last Name Beneficiary's Last Name Text
Middle Name Beneficiary's Last Name Text
Percentage % of benefit the beneficiary is assigned to Number
Relationship Beneficiaries assigned relationship to the EE Text
SSN/State Tax Beneficiary's SSN/ State Tax Text
State Code Beneficiary's Address State Code Text
Street 1 Beneficiary's Street Address (1) Text
Street 2 Beneficiary's Street Address (2) Text
Type Beneficiary type will be either "Primary" or "Secondary" Text
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