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Schedule Tab for Creating a Data Export in Core HR

The schedule for your export can be created and/or configured from this tab for the scheduled execution of the selected export. The Export Schedule should indicate on which day and time the Export should be executed from the system. Additionally, you can review failed exports and the reason(s) why the export failed.

We also offer a video training for this topic on Arcoro Learning.

Navigating to Schedule Tab for a Data Export
  • Expand Data, expand Exports, and click Manage from the menu.

    CHR - Menu - Data - Exports - Manage - 00.png

  • Click the name of an existing data export or go to the Actions drop-down menu and click Create Export. If creating a new export, you also have to complete the "Properties" tab first.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Manage - Create - Edit - 01.png

  • Click the Schedule tab.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Manage - Tabs - Schedule - 00.png


Setting Up a Schedule

  1. Select and specify the number of days between exports or select and enter the day of the month the export should run. Then select a time from the "At" drop-down menu. The time choices will be hourly from 12:00 am to 11:00 pm.


  2. Enter a Start and End by manually entering the data or clicking on the calendar icon.


  3. Use the "Category" and "Export" drop-down menus to select another export that should be completed before your current export executes. For additional information/clarification on export dependencies, you can refer to Export Dependency.


  4. Click Create Recurring Schedule button to create the schedule. The schedule and export status will be listed below.


Export Dependency

If the export is dependent upon another export finishing successfully, then the "Category" and "Export" drop-down menus should be used when creating your export schedule to select another export that should be completed before the current data export can begin. 


For Example, COBRA New Hire reset the COBRA log and as such will be set up to the dependent upon the completion of the COBRA QE file.

Example 2: You may determine that a payroll file cannot be created using the Deduction Change Log and that the Benefit Change log is needed. As a result, your payroll file will most likely include all the same benefits as carrier files.

In order for the same data to be used in multiple files, you will make one file dependent upon the prior so that the last file to execute will reset all logs.

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