Creating a data exports allows you to extract useful data from Core HR in formats such as delimited (compatible with Excel), fixed length, HIPAA 834, and XML.
Expand Data, expand Exports, and click Manage from the menu.
Creating an Export
- Go to the Actions drop-down menu and click Create Export from the Exports list.
- You will be presented with the 'Properties' tab like below. Toggle the 'Advanced' option for 'Mode' to present additional tabs.
Refer to any of the articles linked below for more information about the tabs presented when
- Properties Tab - (For Basic & Advanced Mode)
- Records Tab - (For Advanced Mode Only)
- Benefits Tab - (For Advanced Mode Only)
- Fields Tab - (For Basic & Advanced Mode)
- Formatting Tab - (For Advanced Mode Only)
- Filter Tab - (For Advanced Mode Only)
- Schedule Tab - (For Basic & Advanced Mode)
- History Tab - (For Basic & Advanced Mode)
- Log Tab - (For Advanced Mode Only)
For a short summary of the available tabs, you can expand any of the sections below.
The Properties tab is used to configure the settings of the data export. Any changes made to the Properties tab must be saved first before they will be reflected in any execution of the export.
For more information about the Properties tab, you can refer to the following article.
The Records Tab is only available when you have selected 'Advanced' mode from the 'Properties' tab. This tab allows you to select the types of Records to be included in the export. The requirements for the types of records to be included are generally provided in the file specification document received by the carrier/vendor. The exception to this is the 834 file which is a standard format across all carriers.
- The Header record provides initial Export information to the receiving entity.
- The Employee record provides demographic and benefits info.
- The Dependent record also provides demographic and benefit info, as well as Employee demographic fields as most exports with Dependent info, require the data to be associated with an Employee.
- The Footer record is the trailing data (i.e. Record Count) for the export.
The Advanced Record Layout Options allows you to dictate the output of the data on each of the selected records as well as the order (Separate or immediately after each Employee record) of the Dependent records.
For more information about the Records tab, you can refer to the following article.
The Benefits tab allows you to select the benefits that will be exported to the benefits carrier or Third Party Administrator (TPA).
- Click the appropriate checkboxes on the left side of the screen to select a benefit package. The packages are listed in descending order of the package year. After selecting the benefit package, the benefits will be listed towards the right.
- Click the checkboxes to the left of the benefits that should be included in the export.
- Optionally, you can enter a "Group by Code" if utilizing the "Group by Code" field in the export.
- Click Save when finished.
For more information about the Benefits tab, you can refer to the following article.
The Fields tab allows for the selection of fields to be included in the export for each Record selected on the previous 'Records' tab.
- Each field identifies the category first followed by the field name. For example, "Benefit – Benefit Plan Name" would be the "Benefit" category and the field name would be "Benefit Plan Name".
- When selecting or deselecting fields, you can use the arrows found in the middle:
- Add the selected field from "Available Fields" to "Selected Fields".
- Remove the selected field from "Selected Fields".
- Add all listed fields from "Available Fields" to "Selected Fields". If you have filtered the available fields list by category, only the fields listed will be added.
- Remove all fields from "Selected Fields".
- You can rearrange the order of the columns by using the positioning arrows (
)to the right of the "Selected Fields" textbox.
- You may include fields more than once in the export.
- Use the Custom Text Field to include a hard-coded (custom) value in the export.
For more information about the Fields tab, you can refer to the following article.
The Formatting tab allows you to manipulate the output of the export's field data.
- Max Field Length limits the length of the selected field to a predetermined character count
- Prefix and Suffix allow the field(s) to be hardcoded with values. Those values will concatenate the field value.
- Optionally, the Column Header allows you to change the name of the column in Export's output.
- For example, if the Field Name is "Demographic First Name", this will appear in the Export output. Entering "First Name" in the Column Header field changes the value to "First Name" only.
- Mapping allows the user to change the values of an Export field.
- For example, if the Demographic - Gender is Male, the Mapped value can be changed to "M."
- Formatting allows the user to manipulate the orientation of the field's value.
- For example, if the Benefit Effective Date is 01/01/2015, Formatting can change the output to a different format such as 20150101.
- Optionally, the Notes field provides any users of the Export to determine the order and reasoning behind the selection of the field.
For more information about the Formatting tab, you can refer to the following article.
The Filter tab allows you to manipulate the Export's output on a global level.
For example, if the filter is set to "Last Name" "Not Equal" to "Test", the filter will exclude any Employee with the Last Name of "Test" from the Export's output.
- Select the field that will be used to filter the Export from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Qualifier from the drop-down on how to include or exclude data.
- Equal To
- Not Equal To
- Less Than
- Greater Than
- Less Than Or Equal To
- Greater Than Or Equal To
- Is One Of
- Is Not One Of
- Enter a specific alpha-numeric value in the Value field. The value must be a valid value for the field selected.
- Click Save when finished.
Multiple Filters can be assigned to an Export with an "AND" or "OR" conjunction. For example, the filter would be "Last Name" "Not Equal" to "Test" "AND" "Employee SSN" "Not Equal" to "123456789". This will make it so if an employee has the last name of "Test" and the SSN of "123456789" would be filtered from the export.
For more information about the Filter tab, you can refer to the following article.
Schedules allow users to view the schedules established with each export as well as create new schedules for exports that will go into production. Additionally, users are able to see failed exports and the reason or reasons why the exports failed.
For more information about the Schedule tab, you can refer to the following article.
If a schedule is nonexistent for a selected export, use the following steps to create a schedule.
- Select and specify the number of days between exports or select and enter the day of the month the export should run. Then select a time from the "At" drop-down menu. The time choices will be hourly from 12:00 am to 11:00 pm.
- Enter a Start and End by manually entering the data or clicking on the calendar icon.
- Use the "Category" and "Export" drop-down menus to select another export that should be completed before your current export executes.
- Click Create Recurring Schedule button to create the schedule. The schedule and export status will be listed below.
The History tab displays information for all exports that have been successfully executed in the last 30 days, either manually or on a schedule. This allows users to see all exports regardless of the export category in one screen instead of by a single category. From here, you can determine the number of employees exported in each report and view the exported file.
Clicking the filter icon allows you to filter list by the start and end date fields.
For more information about the History tab, you can refer to the following article.
The Log tab shows a list of records that display a detailed execution log for the chosen specific export.
This is helpful in diagnosing any errors that may have occurred or for viewing the properties of an export at any given time.
- Click the filter icon
and specify the start & end date.
- Click Filter Log.
- Use the Next/Previous Page hyperlinks at the bottom-left to navigate the log entries.
For more information about the Log tab, you can refer to the following article.