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Benefits Tab for Creating a Data Export in Core HR

If the data type is set to "Benefit" on the "Properties" tab, the "Benefits" tab will be available. The "Benefits" tab contains a list of benefits packages configured within the system with a checkbox next to each benefit package. Once selected, all benefits contained within the benefit package will appear on the screen.

Navigating to Benefits Tab for a Data Export
  • Expand Data, expand Exports, and click Manage from the menu.

    CHR - Menu - Data - Exports - Manage - 00.png

  • Click the name of an existing data export or go to the Actions drop-down menu and click Create Export. If creating a new export, you also have to complete the "Properties" tab first.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Manage - Create - Edit - 01.png

  • Click the Benefits tab. If the "Benefits" tab is not present, the Mode of the Data Export is set to 'Basic' on the "Properties" tab.

    CHR - Data - Exports - Manage - Tabs - Benefits - 01.png


Selecting Package(s)

You may at times be required to select multiple packages if you have benefits with different effective dates and cross-plan years.

For example:

  • Package Year – 10/1
  • Medical, Dental and Vision – 10/1
  • FSA – 1/1


Benefit Columns



The name at the benefit level of the benefits configured within the system (e.g. medical, dental, etc.).



This field populates the name of the package selected to be included in the export. This is especially helpful if the user is selecting multiple benefit packages in the export.



The carrier is configured on the benefit plan level of the benefit configuration. When a benefit plan is assigned a carrier, the carrier will appear in this column. If a benefit plan is not assigned a carrier, this field will be blank. It is important that carriers are always assigned to benefit plans, as this is a deciding factor for an EDI specialist when configuring an EDI file.

Group By Code


Data in this field allows for the file to group all benefit plans under the selected benefit by one code. Other use cases include the instance when a benefit must be duplicated in the file, and the user needs to code the difference between the duplicated benefits.

For example, Group records to sum:

  • Employee, Spouse, and Child Voluntary Life will have the same code, i.e. VL
  • The system will know to sum all records that are attached to the Group By Code of VL when the Group Export records by Employee is checked on the Records Tab.

Group By Code is an exportable field.  When using this field, it will export the value mapped in each of the benefits included in the export.

Duplicate in Export


Duplicate in Export allows you to duplicate a benefit within the export. To utilize this function, you must select a benefit in the select column. Once selected, the user should click "save" to save the data. Then, clicking "Duplicate in Export" will duplicate the selected benefit. Once duplicated, it is recommended that the user utilize the Group By Code field to label the benefits. 

This feature allows you to duplicate a benefit within the export.

For example – If Basic Life & AD&D is configured as one benefit, but the carrier requires you to send a value for Basic Life and another value for AD&D:

  • Basic Life – AH
  • AD&D – AJ



Selecting the checkbox next to the desired benefit will pull that benefit and the subscribers enrolled into the export. 

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