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Using the Employee Work Time/Off-Clock Summary Report for ExakTime

The "Employee Work Time/Off-Clock Summary report allows you to review an employee's work time and any off-clock time (gaps) in their workday such as meal breaks, unpaid time, etc.

The Work Time/Off-Clock Summary displays each Employee's off-clock time during their work day over any time period. It also provides the average start & stop time and the average work & off-clock time so that you can quickly see who is typically taking breaks that are too short or too long. Note that incomplete punches are not accounted for in this report.

This report works by tracking time accumulated between out and in punches created after the first clock of the day for the given date range or any manual meal breaks tracked. It will only separate time accrued off the clock or manual meal break time from the regular time total. Paid breaks are included with regular time if tracked like any other time record.

If you are using the "Manual Meal Break" option and need to see the number of manual meal breaks of an employee, you can refer to the following dedicated article.

Navigating to the Work Time/Off-Clock Summary Report
  • Click Reports from the menu bar.


  • Click Work Time/Off-Clock Summary under the Employee section.


Report Specific Options

The Report Specific Options allow you to customize the report to fit your company's needs. 


  • Sort by - Choose to sort this list of employees by their names or their employee IDs
  • Group by Category - Group employees by their ExakTime Connect categories if available; if an employee does not have a category assigned, they will appear under (Unassigned) 
  • Show each Employee on a separate page - Have each individual employee show on a separate page
  • Show Overtime Hours - Split hours into Regular, Overtime, and Overtime 2

Example of the Report


The report will list your employees and their worked hours with columns for:

  • Date
  • Start - First punch of the day.
  • End - Last punch of the day.
  • Work Time - Total work time for the employee.
  • Off-Clock - Total time off-clock for the employee.

The "Total" row presents the total work and off-clock time for the date range.

The "Average" row presents the average start and end time for the employee, and the average work and off-clock time for the employee. 

Things to note:

  • A shift is applied to the date on which they appear on the Time Card Details screens
  • If Midnight Split is applied, the shifts will appear as two separate days, but total accrued time will still be accurate.
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