The Basic reports allow you to generate the overall hours for your employees, locations, or cost codes for the date range specified based on your time cards.
If you would to learn more about the general use of filters such as date ranges, formatting, filters, etc., you can refer to the following dedicated article.
Navigating to the Basic Reports
- Click Reports from the menu bar.
- Click Basic report under the Employee, Location, or Cost Code section.
Report Specific Options
All of the "Basic" reports offer similar options:
- Show Employee/Location/Cost Code ID - Specify if the ID for the entity should be shown and sort by the name or ID number.
- Sort By - Sort the list of employees/locations/cost codes by their name or ID. This option will not be available if the option to show the ID is not enabled.
- Show Overtime Hours - If enabled, will break down the hours into Regular, OT1, and OT2 hours. If not enabled, the report will only show the total hours.
- Group by Employee/Location/Category - If enabled, will group up the entities by their category. If you would like more information about setting up a category, you can refer to the following article.
- Show each Category on a separate page - If enabled, each category will be separate to their own respective pages.
Example of Report
The report will present a list of the entities with columns for:
- Employee/Location/Cost Code Name
- Regular/OT1/OT2 - The hours broken down into regular, OT1, and OT2.
- Total - A total of the hours for the entity.