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Guide to Reports of ExakTime Connect

Reports allow you to present and organize key information from ExakTime in a shareable and printer-friendly format. Each report offers several customization options from the general look/format of the report to the filters that limit what data is used in a report. 

If you would also like to see a list of all available reports in ExakTime, you can refer to the following list Of Available Reports

Table of Contents

Navigating to Reports
Click Reports from the menu bar. If you do not see the Reports option, then you may not have permission to access Reports. Consult your ExakTime administrator for assistance in gaining permission.


Reports Menu


  1. Reports List - List of available reports separated by the main topic (e.g. cost code, employee, lists, etc.) with favorited reports at the top. For a list of our currently available reports, refer to the following article.
  2. Description - Short description of the selected report.
  3. Favorite - Favoriting a report pins the report to the top of the report list in the favorites section.
  4. Report Options - Options available for reports that allow you to specify the date range, what information to display, and filter out certain information.
  5. View Report - Click to generate a report based on the date range and report options specified.

Report Options

Date Range

The date range specifies the time period of data that should be shown. This can be set to preset date ranges or can be custom.

For some reports that display general information that is not time-sensitive, such as 'list' reports, the Date Range will have no effect. 



Formatting is used to format the reports for ease of viewing or including additional items such as a company name/logo.


  • Display Alternate Rows with Colored Bands - Differentiate between rows by including a light gray band every other row.
  • Display Company Name in Header - Display the company name as it is set up in your Company Settings at the top of the report.
  • Display Company Logo in the Header - Display the company logo uploaded to your Company Settings. If there is no logo uploaded, the ExakTime logo will instead be used. For more information about uploading a company logo, you can refer to the following article.
  • Display Page Numbers in the Footer
  • Display Employee Names - Display employee names with their first name first or last name first.
  • Format Hours - Format hours in Hours/Minutes with a colon or an h/m, or as decimal time.
    • For example, if an employee worked for 6 hours and 30 minutes, it can be displayed as:
      • 06:30
      • 6.5
      • 6h 30m
  • Display zero time - Display 0 hours and 0 minutes the same as other hours in your report, a dash, or as a blank field.

Report Specific Options

Each report offers varying options to display information in a certain way or include additional information. The example below is a list of report-specific options for the "Employee Time Card" report. They can vary from allowing certain IDs to be shown, grouping up or separating certain information, etc.



Filters are used to focus on selected information such as certain employees, locations, and/or cost codes. This can help you leverage our currently offered reports to only show certain key information, such as time from only your active/inactive employees, from specific locations, and more. Different filter combinations can also be to generate reports for specific data needs.

When using filters, avoid enabling an employee/location/cost code filter and selecting nothing. Your report will filter the data to the selected entities and if no entities have been selected, you will receive the message "Sorry, there's nothing to display for the report you requested."

If you would like to see more information about filters and how to use them, you can refer to Report Filters.


Viewing Your Report

Click 'View Report' at the bottom of the page when you are ready to generate your report based on your filters and report options. 


Your report will be generated in another tab/window where you have a series of options towards the top of the report which will differ on the type of report.


Current Report Controls

The current report controls will present as:


  1. Report Page Navigation
  2. View multiple or single pages
  3. Zoom in/out
  4. Print your report, print the currently viewed page, and save a PDF, XLS, XLSX or CSV copy.
  5. Search your report

Report Legend

Some reports have a 'report specific' option that allows you to view extra record details and a legend that provides additional context when reviewing time in a report. This allows you to glance at a report and better understand how a time record was generated or formatted. The extra details are:

  • Regular - Created by employee
    • A time punch created by the employee via ExakTime Mobile, a JobClock, or Connect Clock.
    • A time punch created by a supervisor on behalf of an employee through 'Clock For' on ExakTime Mobile.
  • Italics - Created by office
    • Time punches/records created or modified on the 'Time Card Details' of ExakTime Connect, typically by an Administrator.
  • Bold - Modified by policy
    • Time punches (created by the employee or by the office) that were modified by a policy in ExakTime Connect. For example, if you are using an in/out rounding to the nearest 15 minutes and an employee clocks in at 8:05 AM, it will round back to 8:00 AM and will be shown in bold on the report. While the employee did clock in for themselves, their time was modified by the in/out rounding policy.
  • Underline - Auto-generated "Out"
    • A time punch that was automatically generated for the 'Stop Time' based on the 'Start Time' of the time record that follows. For example, if an employee clocks in at 8 AM, then clocks in at 10 AM to another location/cost code, his 8 AM time record will now have a 10 AM stop time to denote his time record has concluded and he has begun a new time record.

In the example below, we have an employee who has had their time card modified in a variety of ways.

ETC - Reports - Legend - 01.png

  • 8 AM Start Time - The time is regular because it was not modified manually by an Administrator or automatically from a policy.
  • 12:30 PM Start Time - The time is in italics as it was manually entered by an Administrator on ExakTime Connect.
  • 1:30 PM Stop Time - The time is underlined as it was automatically generated by the system to conclude the time record based on the 1:30 PM start time that follows.
  • 2:30 PM Start Time - The time is in bold as it was entered manually as 2:33 PM. The employee has an in/out rounding to the nearest 15 minutes which automatically modified the 2:33 PM start time to 2:30 PM.

Issues with Reports

Depending on the data set combinations being requested, there are possible warning/error messages if the report does not display data as expected. More information about these warning/error messages can be found here

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