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How to Transfer JobClocks to a Different Location

After receiving records from your JobClock, ExakTime Connect will look for the location that the JobClock is assigned to so it can associate the appropriate location with the clock in/out. To ensure that the time recorded on your JobClocks are associated to the appropriate location at the time of the clock in/out, they will need to be transferred to the location with an effective date to indicate "from this point forward, any clock in/outs for this JobClock belong to this location."

  • Go to Manage in the top menu bar and select Locations.


  • Find the location that will be receiving the JobClock and click the edit icon to the left of the location.


  • Click the JobClocks tab.


  • Click Transfer JobClock.


  • In the drop-down menu, select the JobClock you want to move to another Jobsite/Location, then click Transfer.


  • This will place the JobClock into the list below with the note "Unsaved Changed."


  • Click Save  at the bottom of the page when finished. The JobClock will be listed at the bottom.


Understanding and Adjusting Effective Dates

Whenever a JobClock added/transferred to a location, it will use the date and time of your computer at the time of adding/transferring to determine the effective date. The effective date is the date and time of when any use of the JobClock is associated with the location it has been added to. The effective date cannot be made earlier than the first time a JobClock was added to ExakTime Connect. If the JobClock(s) already exist in the system, then you can adjust the effective date, but it cannot be made earlier than the previous effective date.

For steps on adjusting effective dates, you can refer to the following dedicated article.

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