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Using the Company Calendar on ExakTime Connect

The company calendar lets you manage and inform your company about important events like holidays, special occasions, and paydays in ExakTime Connect. 

Events entered into the Company Calendar will not appear on pages such as the Time Card Detail or Time Off except in the new version of Scheduler. The new version of Scheduler will show holidays and special events in the Scheduler calendar for increased visibility and to minimize scheduling conflicts.

Permission for Company Calendar

Administrators will automatically have permission to the 'Company Calendar' page, while other security roles must be granted permission to view or edit the company calendar. For steps to enable permission for users, you can expand the section below.

Expand for Security Role Steps
  1. Go to Manage and click Security Roles.

    ETC - Menu - Manage - Security Roles - 00.png

  2. Click the ExakTime Connect tab.

    ETC - Security Roles - Connect - Members - 02.png

  3. Select an existing security role or create a new role. 

    ETC - Security Roles - Mobile Connect - 00.png

  4. Scroll down to the 'Company Administration' section and enable the appropriate permissions.


  5. Save your changes. For assistance with assigning their ExakTime Security Role from within their Employee profile, you can refer to the following dedicated article.

To learn more about ExakTime Connect security roles, you can refer to the following dedicated article.

Using Company Calendar

The company calendar will provide an overview of special events, holidays, and more.

Expand for Navigation Steps to Company Calendar
  • Go to Manage and click Company Calendar.

    ETC - Menu - Manage - Company Calendar - 01.png


Creating an Event

  1. Click the field/square for the given day.

    ETC - Company Calendar - Add - 00.png

  2. Set up the event with the provided fields:
    • Title - (Required) The title of the event to appear on the calendar.
    • Type - If the event will be a Holiday, Special Event, or Pay Day.
    • All Day Event - Use the checkbox if it is an all-day event.
    • Event Start/End - (Required) Specify the start and end dates for the event.
    • Repeat - Specify if the event should repeat. Your selection of how often to repeat will show additional options such as every other week, the first day of the month, etc.
    • Event Color - While the event types have a default color, the event color can be changed to easily see events at a glance.
  3. Save your event.

Summary of Events

A summary of company holidays or special events can be found by clicking the respective links at the top of the page.

ETC - Company Calendar - Summary - 00.png

ETC - Company Calendar - Summary - 01.png

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