The 'Succession Plan by Person' report for Succession allows you to view employees who have been assigned a succession plan, who nominated the employee, who approved the employee for succession, and the target completion date of the succession plan.
The reports page will also list reports that focus on General Use, Learning Management System, and Performance/Evaluations.
If you are unfamiliar with using the reports page, you can refer to the following dedicated article.
Click Reports towards the top-right. You will be presented with a list of available reports. "Succession Plan By Person" will be part of the list. If Reports is not found in the top-right, you may not have permission to access reports and need to speak with your administrator.
This report allows you to filter the date range of the report based on the target date.
This report will provide the following columns:
- District (This column has been depreciated and can be ignored)
- Location
- First Name - Clicking the name will open the employee profile in a new tab.
- Last Name - Clicking the name will open the employee profile in a new tab.
- Job Code
- Employee ID
- Nominated By - The user who assigned the Succession Plan.
- Status
- Date Approved
- Approved By
- Succession Plan
- Step
- Target Date