Module Navigation

Employee Demographic Changes Logs for Core HR

With Demographic Changes, it is possible to filter system-wide activity to view data regarding demographic changes made within a specified date range. 

Navigating to Demographic Changes Logs
  • From the menu, expand Employee, expand Logs, and click Demographic Changes.

    CHR - Employee - Logs - Menu - 03.png

  • If already viewing an employee profile, you can hover over "Logs" to show the available pages. Click Demographic Changes.

    CHR - Employee - Logs - Drop-down Menu - 03.png

CHR - Employees - Logs - Demographic Changes - 00.png

Viewing Demographic Changes Data

  • Specify the start date and end date for the demographic changes you wish to review. Click Filter/Refresh Links.

    CHR - Employees - Logs - Demographic Changes - 01.png

  • Your report will appear below. Click Print Report to download a PDF of the report.

    CHR - Employees - Logs - Demographic Changes - 04.png

  • To email your report(s), check the box on the far-left of a report.

    CHR - Employees - Logs - Demographic Changes - 05.png

  • Enter the desired email address for those who should be receiving the report(s) and a note to be included in the email. If there are multiple email addresses, use a ";" to separate them. Click Email Selected Report(s).

    CHR - Employees - Logs - Demographic Changes - 02.png

  • The recipient(s) should receive an email like below. If multiple reports were selected to be sent, each report will be sent in its own email. The email system may group up similar emails into the same chain/conversation. 

    CHR - Employees - Logs - Demographic Changes - 07.png

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