The "Export" log will list a history of any exports that the employee's data was included on. This is a great resource to identify if an employee was included on a specific file to a benefit carrier as well.
Navigating to Export Logs
- From the menu, expand Employee, expand Logs, and click Exports.
- If already viewing an employee profile, you can hover over "Logs" to show the available pages. Click Exports.
- Export Name - The name of the export that the employee was included. Click the name of the export to download and view a copy of the export.
Export Type - Full File vs. Change File
- "Change File" would alert to the employee being included on a file because of a change made to their demographic information, or benefit information.
- Export Data - The data type of the export (i.e.: benefits, demographic, compensation).
- Export Date - Date and time stamp of the export execution.
Want to Learn More about Data Exports?
Refer to the following selection of articles for more information about setting up data exports.