Module Navigation

Creating a Payroll Deduction Record in Core HR

Navigating to Payroll Deductions Logs
  • From the menu, expand Employee, expand Logs, and click Payroll Deductions.

    CHR - Employee - Logs - Menu - 06.png

  • If already viewing an employee profile, you can hover over "Logs" to show the available pages. Click Payroll Deductions.

    CHR - Employee - Logs - Drop-down Menu - 06.png

  1. Click Create Deduction Record from the Actions drop-down menu.

    CHR - Employees - Logs - Payroll Deductions - Actions - 01.png

  2. Enter the following information:

    CHR - Employees - Logs - Payroll Deductions - Create - 00.png

    • Package - Required field. This includes a list of the packages the employee is enrolled in.
    • Benefit - Required field. This drop-down will only display benefits that the employee is enrolled in.
    • Plan - Required field. This drop-down will only display plans that are available under the selected Benefit.
    • Option - Required field. This drop-down will only display options that are available under the selected Plan.
    • Deduction Date - Required field. This is the date on which the deduction occurred.
    • Amount - Required field. This is the amount of the deduction.
    • Post Tax - Optional. If the deduction is post-tax, please check this box. If it is pre-tax, do not check the box.
    • Note - Optional. Add a note for the deduction record.
  3. Click Save Deduction.

  Learn More about Payroll Deductions Logs

Refer to the Payroll Deductions Logs with the following article.

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