Account Information for the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) allows you to:
- Add/adjust information relating to your company such as addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, branding information, etc.
- Configure optional system-wide settings/features.
- Set your company's Branding Information
Table of Contents
Navigating to Account Information
- Click
- Click
Account Information
- Company Name The Company Name displays in the upper left corner of the system and will populate all company name fields throughout the applicant tracking system (ATS). This cannot be modified after your account has been created.
- Company Abbreviation - Displays in the business unit management matrix
- Address Information - The address fields are used to populate the address fields in the interview tool when scheduling a face-to-face interview.
Contact Information - The following fields are primarily used by Arcoro for reference. If you are using Indeed, the "Email Address" field is required to allow for Indeed job distribution.
- Main Phone
Email Address
- The email address is required for Indeed job distribution. The email will not be shown publicly to applicants/candidates and is only used on the backend.
- Web Site
- Contact Us Email Address - Displays in the footer of the ATS as a resource for users. If an email is not entered, the Customer Care email displays instead.
- Website - Your company URL
- Contact Us Phone Number - Displays in the upper right corner of the system as a resource for users. If a number is not entered, the Customer Care line displays instead.
Alternate Email Address - Allows ATS emails to be sent as though they were from the entered email. The email will be sent with a 'via' at the end of the alternate sender email address.
- If the alternate email address is '', it would instead read ' via'.
- This functionality may not work correctly without additional steps taken by your IT Administrator. Please contact your Account Manager for more information.
- Post-Hire Redirect URL - The designated URL will open in a new tab once a candidate is dispositioned to "Hired" or a similar disposition marked as a hired.
Configuration Information
- Require a Closed Date on Job Posting - If enabled, job postings are required to have a closed date. When this option is "No", a close date is not required.
- Enable Job Requisition Process - The Job Requisition Process requires a series of contacts to approve a job requisition before it goes live. For more information regarding the setup of the Job Requisition Process, refer to the following article: Job Requisition Approval
- Allow job profile information to be editable after requisition approval process - If enabled, the job profile information can be edited after going through the job requisition process and being approved. This option is set to "No" by default.
- Enable Offer Letter Approval Process - If enabled, the "Offer Letter Approval" option will appear in the Administration area on the left-hand side. When enabled, an approval process can be set up for offer letters before they are sent. For more information regarding the setup, refer to the following article: Offer Letter Approvals
- Enable Job Distribution Control - If enabled, the "Job Distribution Control" option will appear in the Administration area on the left-hand side. When enabled, lets the admin designate which free job posting options are displayed when posting a new job or creating a new requisition. For more information regarding this option, refer to the following article: Job Distribution Control
- Enable Social Media - If enabled, the "Social Media" option will appear in the Administration area on the left-hand side. Allows jobs to be posted to either Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or Buffer. For more information regarding this option, refer to the following article: Social Media
- Enable Configurable Job Posting Fields - If enabled, the "Job Posting Fields" option will appear in the Administration area on the left-hand side. Allows you to add up to 15 additional internal-facing fields to the jobs, job requisitions, and job templates. For more information regarding this option, refer to the following article: Job Posting Fields
- Arcoro Email Footer - If enabled, the "Powered By Arcoro'' footer will be added to the bottom of emails to candidates. This option is enabled by default.
- Candidate Batching - If enabled, a new option will appear in the admin list titled “Default Batch Size”. Candidate Batching will limit the number of candidates that will display for a Hiring Manager or Recruiter to review at a time. Within the text area, type the number of desired candidates in each batch. When a new job posting or req is created, the batch size will default to this number. For more information regarding this feature, refer to the following article: Candidate Batching
- Enable External Email Tracking - If enabled, emails sent to candidates and users in the system will be recorded in the corresponding Activity History area. To continue tracking the candidate or employee email response, the “reply-all” button must be used.
- Enable Archive Jobs - If enabled, an option will appear below "Enable Archiving Jobs" labeled "# Days Until Jobs Archived." The number that is entered will indicate the number of days after a job is closed for the job to be moved to the Archived bubble. The close date will be the Last Updated date in the job status. For more information regarding this option, refer to the following article: Archive Jobs
- Indeed Apply - Activating the 'Enable Indeed Apply' toggle turns on Indeed Apply for jobs distributed to Indeed. Read more about Indeed Apply on their support page.
- Apply to Multiple Jobs - If enabled, this will allow an applicant to get a message “To see other positions, click here” link upon successful completion of their first job application. The applicant can apply for another job and the second application will auto-fill with the applicant's Contact Information page of their original job application. Screening questions, voluntary surveys, and agreements must be completed separately for each subsequent job application. For more information, you can refer to the following article: Applying to Multiple Jobs
- Disable Attaching Candidates to Jobs - If enabled, this feature prevents the ability to attach a candidate to another job opening, in respect to Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) regulations. For more information, you can refer to the following article: Disable Attaching Candidates to Jobs
- Enable Automatic Refresh - If enabled, allows the ATS the ability to automatically refresh job board distribution every 30 days. For more information, you can refer tot he following article: Enable Automatic Refresh
Enable Arcoro Onboarding default username - If enabled, the new hire’s temporary username to complete their new hire paperwork will default to the following format [FirstNameLastName]. If the new hire’s first and last name would not create a unique username, a number will be automatically added to the end of the username.
- Be mindful of special characters in a candidate's name as they will be used in the username and cause errors when moving a candidate to Onboarding. Special characters should be removed in these situations.
Branding Information
Branding Information allows you to set your branding mode with a combination of company name, logo, and/or address.
Your company logo must not be larger than 150 pixels wide or 60 pixels high. For context, we have provided an example of how large a 150 x 60 pixel image would appear as.
You can either drag-and-drop your company logo image file into the dotted box or use the "Click here to select an image file" link to upload the file from your computer.