Module Navigation

Activity Log for Core HR

The Activity Log, found within Audit Log, allows you to review the activity for your employees ranging from when they signed in, new records created, etc.

Navigating to Activity Log
  1. From the menu, expand System and click Audit Log.

    CHR - Menu - System - Audit Log - 00.png

  2. Click the Activity Log tab.

    CHR - System - Audit Log - Activity Log - 00.png


The "Activity Log" page allows you to filter the activity log records and provides the following columns:

  • Date - When the activity had occurred.
  • Employee Name - The employee that was affected.
  • Description - A description of the activity.
  • Modified By
  • Additional Info - Hovering over the information-icon_White-01.png lets you view the category of the activity, the type of change, the source of the change, and the event.
  • Field - The field that was modified.
  • Field Value Before - What the field was before it was modified.
  • Field Value After - What the field is after it was modified.

Filtering the Activity Log

CHR - System - Activity Log - Filter - 00.png

To use your activity log, you will:

  1. Select the Core HR module from the drop-down menu.
  2. Select the data type category from the drop-down menu. You can also use 'All Categories' to view all potential data.
  3. Select the change type to focus on activity that added, edited, deleted, or general records. Use 'All Activity' to view all potential data. 
  4. Enter any key word(s) to filter the activity log.
  5. Specify the year, start date, and end date to filter the activity log.
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