The Activity Log, found within Audit Log, allows you to review the activity for your employees ranging from when they signed in, new records created, etc.
Navigating to Activity Log
- From the menu, expand System and click Audit Log.
- Click the Activity Log tab.
The "Activity Log" page allows you to filter the activity log records and provides the following columns:
- Date - When the activity had occurred.
- Employee Name - The employee that was affected.
- Description - A description of the activity.
- Modified By
- Additional Info - Hovering over the lets you view the category of the activity, the type of change, the source of the change, and the event.
- Field - The field that was modified.
- Field Value Before - What the field was before it was modified.
- Field Value After - What the field is after it was modified.
Filtering the Activity Log
To use your activity log, you will:
- Select the Core HR module from the drop-down menu.
- Select the data type category from the drop-down menu. You can also use 'All Categories' to view all potential data.
- Select the change type to focus on activity that added, edited, deleted, or general records. Use 'All Activity' to view all potential data.
- Enter any key word(s) to filter the activity log.
- Specify the year, start date, and end date to filter the activity log.
To complete an Activity Log
- Select Access
- Select Data Type Category
- Select Change Type
- Enter Key Words
- Select Year
- Select a Start Date
- Select an End Date