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Termination Eligibility List for Core HR

Any employees that are on the Termination Eligibility List will be displayed and provide the administrator an opportunity to:

  • Process Selected Employees
  • Remove Selected Employees from List

Please note, while you can terminate an employee from the Termination Eligibility List, our best practice for terming Employees is to do so through the Benefits menu, even if they do not have Benefits Management with us. Terminating through Benefits > Benefits automatically updates all Status (Employee, Benefit, and ACA if applicable), as well as allows the Term Date, Reason for Termination, and ability to lock the Employee's account, all in one place. 

Navigating to Termination Eligiblity List

Expand System, expand Eligibility Lists, and click Termination Eligibility from the menu.

CHR - Menu - System - Eligibility List - 02.png


The 'Termination Eligilbity' menu will provide the following columns:

  • Employee
  • Hire Date
  • Benefit Eligibility Date
  • Termination Date
  • Termination Source
  • Termination Reason - The Termination Reasons listed depend on what has been set up from the 'Termination Reason' field value setup.
  • Benefits Termination Date

The Actions drop-down menu allows you to:

CHR - System - Termination - Actions - 00.png

  • Remove Selected Employees from List

Terminating an Employee

  1. Select the Employee(s) you want to terminate with the checkbox(es) towards the right.

    CHR - System - Export - Termination - 01.png

  2. (Optional) Select a Termination Reason from the drop-down menu. The Termination Reasons listed depend on what has been set up from the 'Termination Reason' field value setup.

    CHR - System - Export - Termination - 02.png

  3. Click Process Selected Employees.

    CHR - System - Export - Termination - 03.png

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