The "Failed Email Log" houses any emails that were unable to successfully send from the email servers. This will display emails to all employees. For details on a specific employees emails - sent successfully or failed, see the Employee Email Log.
An email that is typed incorrectly would not necessarily log in the failed email log - as the system will not attempt to send to the email (i.e. Test@gmail or test.test@gmail,com).
Navigating to Failed Email Log
From the menu, expand System and click Failed Email Log.
The "Failed Email Log" page will provide a date range filter and columns of:
- Date - The day that the email(s) failed to send. Clicking the date will allow you to view additional details about the emails that failed to send.
- Count - How many emails failed that day.
Failed Email Details
The details for "Failed Email Details" will have columns for:
- - Clicking this icon will open a new tab/window to view a copy of the email.
- From - Generally displays as 'System'. If you are utilizing Email Masking, the employee will see the sender configured via email masking.
- To - The intended recipient of the email.
- Sent - The time and date stamp of the failed email was sent.
- Subject - The Subject of the failed email.
- Error Message - Why the email failed to send (i.e. high probability of spam (notes the recipients server did not accept the email).