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Failed Email Log for Core HR

The "Failed Email Log" houses any emails that were unable to successfully send from the email servers. This will display emails to all employees. For details on a specific employees emails - sent successfully or failed, see the Employee Email Log.

An email that is typed incorrectly would not necessarily log in the failed email log - as the system will not attempt to send to the email (i.e. Test@gmail or test.test@gmail,com).

Navigating to Failed Email Log

From the menu, expand System and click Failed Email Log.

CHR - Menu - System - Failed Email Log - 00.png


The "Failed Email Log" page will provide a date range filter and columns of:

Failed Email Details


The details for "Failed Email Details" will have columns for:

  • ViewReport.gif - Clicking this icon will open a new tab/window to view a copy of the email. 
  • From - Generally displays as 'System'. If you are utilizing Email Masking, the employee will see the sender configured via email masking.
  • To - The intended recipient of the email.
  • Sent - The time and date stamp of the failed email was sent. 
  • Subject - The Subject of the failed email.
  • Error Message - Why the email failed to send (i.e. high probability of spam (notes the recipients server did not accept the email).
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