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Understanding Drug Screenings and Background Checks of the Applicant Tracking System

Drug screenings and Background Checks can be ordered through the ATS to ensure a candidate is a good fit for your company.

What are Drug Screenings? 

Drug screenings are when a person's urine, hair, blood, and/or saliva are collected to be tested for current or recent drug (illegal or prescription) use/abuse. Employers may require a drug screening before and/or after hiring an employee to protect themselves and staff from prospective employees that are drug abusers. While it may not be required for all jobs, it can be required for government positions or positions that require safe operation such as drivers, pilots, etc. 

What is the difference between 5-Panel and 10-Panel Drug Screenings?

Something that you may see when requesting a drug screening is the phrase X-Panel drug screenings. The number indicates the number of drugs that will be tested for, typically 5 to 12.

For example, a 5-Panel drug test can test for 5 common drugs:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamine
  • Opiates
  • PCP

The drugs that are tested for can differ between the companies conducting the test.

What are Background Checks?

Background checks are used to verify a person is who they say they are. This can involve reviewing a person's history (e.g. criminal, work, education, credit, etc.) or past activities such as driving records or social media. Similar to drug screenings, background checks are to protect companies from prospective employees that could be harmful to the company and staff. While it may not be required for all jobs, it can be required for government positions or sensitive positions that require safe operation such as drivers.

Example of a Background Check - E-Verify

E-Verify is a background check to ensure that the US or Foreign citizen is eligible to work in the United States. This is done by comparing a new employee's I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) against government records. In the event that there is a mismatch, the employee is allowed to work while they correct the problem with the respective government agency. 

While not all businesses are required to utilize E-Verify, all federal government agencies and businesses with federal contracts/subcontracts are required to utilize E-Verify to determine employment eligibility. 

As state and local laws/mandates can differ, it is best to consult with legal counsel if you are required to use E-Verify for employees. For more information about E-Verify, please refer to the E-Verify website.

Request a Drug Screen or Background Check

If you have credits for drug screens or background check, you can refer to the following dedicated articles on what to do:

Questions About Drug Screenings and Background Checks We Offer?

If you are interested in any drug screenings and background checks we offer, have any questions regarding existing drug screenings or background checks, or need additional credits, you will need to contact your account manager.

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