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Setting Up An Employee To View ExakTime Mobile in Spanish or French

ExakTime Mobile allows specific employees to view certain pages and menus of ExakTime Mobile in Spanish or French. This is done by changing the employee's language from their employee profile in ExakTime Connect and entering the Spanish/French translation for the appropriate item/feature.

Special Consideration

Some fields/information that do not offer a field for Spanish/French translations such as Locations or Expenses. In these instances, let the employee know what they should select or try to include the translated text in the name (i.e. a location with the name "Office/Oficina").

Setting Up The Employee

For an employee to view ExakTime Mobile in Spanish or French, the employee will need their language setting changed.

  • Go to Manage and click on Employees.

    ETC - Menu - Manage - 02.png

  • Click on the pencil icon next to an existing employee or click Add Employee towards the top of the page.

    JC to EM - Employees - 00.png

  • Scroll down towards 'Additional Information' and set the language to Spanish or French.


  • Click Save when finished.

Translating Cost Codes

The cost code must have the Spanish/French translation entered to help the employees as they are clocking in.

  • Go to Manage and click on Cost Codes.

    ETC - Menu - Manage - 04.png

  • Click on the pencil icon next to an existing cost code or click Add Cost Code towards the top of the page.

    ETC - Cost Codes - List - 02.png

  • Scroll towards 'Description Translations' and use the auto-translate button or enter the translation directly.
    • If using Auto Translate, double-check the translation as it may not be contextually correct.
    • If there is no Spanish/French translation for an employee, the English translation will be shown on ExakTime Mobile. 
    • Be mindful of blank fields/spaces in the Spanish/French fields as those blank fields/spaces will appear in ExakTime Mobile for employees.


  • Click Save when finished.

Other Features with Translations

When using other ExakTime features, make note of translation options to help your Spanish/French employees. There will be a toggle for you to provide the appropriate translations for your employees. Some fields will offer auto-translate options, but can be modified for context. Examples of 'Forms Manager' and 'Alerts & Notifications' below.

ETC - Forms - Spanish - 00.png

ETC - Alerts - Spanish - 00.png

What Employees See

When an employee has been set to Spanish or French, they will see a majority of ExakTime Mobile menus and entities in Spanish. Some entities, such as Locations and Expenses, do not offer Spanish/French translations and should be taken into consideration when naming.

EM - Spanish - PocketClock - 00.png

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