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How to Add an Employee to ExakTime Connect

Any person who will be using ExakTime Connect and/or ExakTime Mobile will need to be added as an employee, from the field workers tracking their time to the administrators who will be managing/reviewing time cards. After adding an employee to ExakTime, they will need to be set up with an ExakTime Connect and/or ExakTime Mobile Security Role to determine what they are able to do within ExakTime.

 Avoid Emojis

When adding/editing an employee, please do not enter an emoji into the text fields as it can result in unforeseen issues.

 Adding Employees in Bulk

If you need to add multiple employees and do not have SyncLinx, then you can import them in bulk with a CSV file. For more information on this process, you can refer to the following dedicated article.

Table of Contents

Adding the Employee

  • Go to Manage in the Menu bar and click Employees.


  • Click Add Employee.


  • The "Add Employee" page allows you to enter a wide amount of information about an employee. The minimum requirement for an Employee is their first and last name. All other informational fields are optional and can be updated later.
    • The ID field can be useful if you use other systems that assign an Employee ID such as a Human Resources or Payroll system.
    • If you have another employee with the same name, you will need to differentiate between them by either entering a middle name, additional information to their name, or with an employee ID.


  • If the employee needs access to ExakTime Mobile or ExakTime Connect, you can assign the necessary role(s) in the "ExakTime Mobile and Connect Access" section. 
    • When selecting a security role, you may be required to enter additional information such as a 4-10 digit PIN for ExakTime Mobile and/or Email and Username for ExakTime Connect.
    • If the employee only needs limited access to ExakTime Connect or Mobile, then you can select the default "Employee" role as it generally covers the basics.
    • Only administrators can add another administrator to ExakTime Connect. The "Administrator" role will not be listed in the drop-down menu for non-administrators.


  • Click Save if this is the only employee you are adding or Save and New if you would like to add another employee.

Unable to Save the Employee?

If the "Save" buttons do not flash/are not clickable, review the employee's profile and confirm that all required information has been entered. The only information we require is listed below:

  • Employee first and last name.
  • If you have assigned an ExakTime Mobile security role, enter a unique PIN for the employee to use.
  • If you have assigned an ExakTime Connect security role, enter an email and unique username for the employee.

What to Do After Adding the Employee

  • If using ExakTime Mobile - If the employee has been given ExakTime Mobile access, there will be a short delay while the employee's ExakTime Mobile PIN information is prepared for ExakTime Mobile use in the background. After the short delay, the employee should be able to sign in to any copy of ExakTime Mobile.
  • If using ExakTime Connect - If the employee does not already have access to ExakTime Connect, they will receive a verification email to verify their email, their username, and a link to create their password.
    • The link in the verification email is valid for 72 hours. If the employee is unable to verify their account within 72 hours, you will need to resend the verification email. If you are unsure how to do this, you can refer to How to Resend a Verification Email.



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