Module Navigation

Understanding Employee & Employee Details Page in ExakTime Connect

The 'Employee' page is where you can manage and view your employee details. An employee's details allow you to view and set up their information such as, but not limited to:

  • General information
  • ExakTime Connect and ExakTime Mobile Access
  • Employee Viewsets
Expand for Navigation Steps to Employees
  • Go to Manage and click Employees.


Employee List

The Employee list will provide a list of all of your employees within your ExakTime system. You can also search for and add employees, view a count of remaining licenses, and filter the list to show active, inactive, or all employees. Inactive employees do not count toward your license count.

ETC - Employee List - 03.png

The page can provide the following columns by default:

  • Time Card - Pencil Icon - 00.png - Clicking this icon will allow you to view and/or edit an employee's details.
  • Active - If the employee is active or not in ExakTime. Can be toggled from the employee list.
  • ID
  • Name
  • Category
  • Web - If the employee has web access.
  • Connect Security Role - The ExakTime Connect security role of the employee.
  • Mobile -If the employee has mobile access.
  • Mobile Security Role - The ExakTime Mobile security role of the employee.
  • Keytab - If the employee has keytabs assigned.

The column manager button allows you to add, remove, or move columns and group up employees.

Column Manager - 00.png

Employee Details

Click the pencil icon towards the left of an existing employee to view their details or click Add Employee to create a new employee.


As there are multiple tabs for employee details, we have broken them down for easier reading.


General Tab



  • ExakTime Mobile Security Role - The security role for employees that will be using ExakTime Mobile. By default, we offer No Access, Employee, and Administrator.
  • PIN - If an ExakTime Mobile Security Role has been assigned, a unique 4-10 digit PIN must be entered for the employee to use. The PIN can only be entered/edited from ExakTime Connect.
  • ExakTime Connect Security Role - The security role for employees that will be using ExakTime Connect to determine what they can do in ExakTime Connect. By default, we offer No Access, Employee, Supervisor, and Administrator.
  • Username - The username that the employee would use to sign in to ExakTime Connect. 
  • Verification Status - When an employee has been given access to ExakTime Connect, they will receive an email to verify their email is valid. The verification status will begin as pending until the employee either verify their email or lets the verification email expire.
  • Email Address - The employee's email address will be used to verify the account, set up their password, and reset their password. The email address can also be used for certain functions such as emailing an employee their time card or reminding a supervisor to approve a time card. 
  • Mobile and Home Phone - An optional field used for reference, or for the sending of the employee's ExakTime Mobile PIN if a Mobile Phone has been entered.


  • Date of Birth
  • Language - The language that the employee will see when using ExakTime Mobile. By default, the language will be English but can be changed to Spanish and French.


  • Address - An optional field for the employee's home address.
Field Notes Tab


Field Notes allow you to see field notes that refer to the employee being viewed. This will not show field notes sent by them but field notes where the employee is the subject of the field note.

Keytabs Tab


Keytabs are used by employees to clock in and out on JobClock hardware.

Custom Fields Tab


Custom fields allow you to associate extra information with an employee. These will primarily be used in your Employee list and within the time card details.

We already offer the "Employee Type" field for the Custom Field which is only used for reference on this page.

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