Module Navigation

What are Counts for a Job in the ATS?

While viewing the list of job postings, there will be a "Counts" column that will provide a view of the metrics for the job posting.

Navigating to your Job List
  • While logged in to the Applicant Tracking System, click Jobs from the top menu.


  • When you arrive, you will see a listing of your current job postings.


  • To view the counts for a specific job, click View Count under the Counts column.


  • To view the counts for all job postings, click View All Counts in the top-right.


  • Within the column, four letters will display. Each letter tracks a job metric.


  • The letters represent:
    • N - New applicants to you as a user. This count may vary from user to user because it is tracking the applicants that you have not viewed yet in the selected job.
    • A - Total Applicants for that position.
    • C - Clicks. The number of job seekers that have clicked the apply button.
    • V - Views. The number of times the job description has been viewed.
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