Creating a job posting with a Spanish translation allows you to reach more potential candidates for your company's needs. If you are trying to enable a Spanish translation for an existing job posting, you will need to create a new job posting and close the previous one, if possible, as we are unable to update a job posting once it has been published. Creating a Spanish job posting is similar to the standard process of creating an English job posting, but provides fields for the Spanish text.
When reviewing your candidate's responses, keep in mind that their responses will remain in their original language. For example, if a candidate responds to a question in Spanish, you will review the question in English, but the response will be in Spanish.
- Go to the Jobs page if not already there.
- Click the Post a Job button in the top-right to show the available options:
- From Scratch - Create a brand new job posting.
- From a Draft - Continue working on a draft for a job posting.
From a Template - Create a new job posting based on an existing job template. You are able to make adjustments to your job template before posting.
- For more information on creating a job template, you can refer to the following article.
- For more information about setting up a job template with a Spanish translation, you can refer to the following article.
- From Existing Job - Create a new job posting from an existing job posting (job posting can be closed, a requisition, open job posting, etc.)
- Make sure that the job posting has the Spanish option enabled. If the job template or existing job has Spanish enabled originally, then the Spanish option will already be enabled.
- Additional Spanish fields for the job title and description will be available. If the job template or existing job has Spanish enabled originally, then the Spanish fields may already be filled in.
- For the "Application Details" step, you can set up the following:
- Select the application template that provides a Spanish translation.
- For more information about setting up an application template with a Spanish translation, you can refer to the following article.
- When adding Screening Questions, there will be a Spanish field as well as English.
- Select the application template that provides a Spanish translation.
Want to Learn More?
Learn more about making new job postings with the following dedicated article that covers all the available options.