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Understanding the Jobs List of the ATS

Your Jobs list will display a table of the open positions the logged-in user has access to view. 

Navigating to your Job List
While logged in to the Applicant Tracking System, click Jobs from the top menu.


The Jobs List will show a list of currently open positions that you have access to view with related information in columns, buttons/options to filter current jobs, and buttons to add new job requisitions/postings.


Job Buttons

At the top left, you will see a series of buttons that allow you to specify the status of jobs to view, job requisitions, or job drafts.


Open jobs are editable (by users with appropriate permissions) and open for applications.
On-hold jobs are closed for applications, but still editable.
Closed jobs are closed for applications and editing.
All job postings viewable by the logged-in user.
Job requisitions currently in your ATS.
Jobs postings not yet posted.

Open/On-Hold/Closed/All Job Table

Filter your job table by:

  • Job Title
  • City
  • State
  • Job ID
  • Assigned To
  • Account Name

From the job table, you can see a quick glance at your jobs. Clicking some of the column headers allows you to sort the table based on the column.

  • Job Title - Clicking the job title allows you to view the job profile.
  • Account Name
  • Location (C) (S) - City & State
  • Job ID
  • Created Date
  • Updated Date
  • Assigned To
  • Openings/Left to Fill
  • Counts - Clicking "View Counts" lets you get a glance at counts of new applicants, current applicants, clicks of the "Apply" button, and views of the job.
  • Status
  • Action
  • Social Media - Post your job posting on social media.


Filter your job requisitions table by:

  • Job Title
  • City
  • State
  • Assigned Recruiter
  • Assigned Manager
  • Account Name
  • Any Status - Approved, Awaiting Approval, or Not Approved

From the job requisition table, you can see a quick glance at your requisitions. Clicking some of the column headers allows you to sort the table based on the column.

  • Job Title - Clicking the job title allows you to view the job requisition profile.
  • Account Name
  • Location (C) (S) - City & State
  • Job ID
  • Created Date
  • Updated Date
  • Assigned Recruiters
  • Assigned Hiring Managers
  • Status - Approved, Awaiting Approval, or Not Approved
  • Requisition Code
  • Action

Job Drafts

From job drafts, you can review drafts of job postings or requisitions.

The columns shown are:

  • Draft Name - Clicking the draft name allows you to view your job posting/requisition draft.
  • Create Date
  • Action

New Requisitions and Postings


  • From the top right, you have two buttons for creating a job requisition and for posting a job. Clicking either button will show a menu allowing you to create a new job requisition/posting from scratch, a draft, a job template, or from an existing job.
  • Clicking "View All Counts" allows you to view all counts in the "Counts" column.
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