When importing employees in bulk into Talent Management, there are non-required fields that can be used when importing them.
For more information about importing employees into Talent Management, you can refer to the following article.
User Fields |
Field Description |
Middle Initial |
The middle initial of the employee. |
Work Phone, Home Phone, and Mobile Phone |
Employee's respective phone number(s). |
Gender |
Use values of "Male" or "Female".
Ethnicity |
The available ethnicities to use are:
- American Indian or Alaska Native
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Hispanic or Latino
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- Not Specified
- Two or More Races
- White
Group* |
- Groups are used to assign training, assign learning plans and restrict courses in the catalog.
- The header for your spreadsheet would be [Group Title-Group Code].
- The Group Code is the only field imported from the import file and Group Title appears when selecting to assign by the group.
- If using an import file or API, Groups will need to be created before doing an import.
- An employee can be assigned to multiple Groups.
- Within the Import File, each group must be in a separate field/column, DO NOT place into one field and separate it with a comma.
- For more information about groups, you can refer to the following article.
Department* |
- Departments are used to assign training and to filter employees by within Succession Planning.
- Department Name is used for the Import and is applied to the dropdown menu when selecting by the department.
- If using an import file or API, Department(s) will need to be created before doing an import.
- For more information about departments, you can refer to the following article.
Cost Center |
Cost Center can be added to the employee profile manually or via the Import file. This is a free-form field.
Salary |
- The salary information, if populated, can be seen by the Manager's view of their direct/indirect reports and is optional to add to the header of an evaluation/performance review.
- This field accepts numeric values only.
Job Title |
Job Title is associated with an employee and seen within their profile by Manager and Admin.
Hire Date, Last Promotion Date, and Next Evaluation Date Fields |
- These fields are important if using the Performance Module.
- Evaluations can be assigned by Hire Date, Last Promotion Date, or Next Evaluation Date.
- If these fields are not populated, the only option to use when scheduling evaluations is Custom Date.
- These fields can be viewed by the Manager and Admin.
Last Raise Date and Last Raise Amount Fields |
If populated, only viewable by the manager of the employee or an administrator of the Talent System and sometimes helpful to see within the system when doing performance reviews.
Termination Date |
- A termination date does not automatically make an employee Inactive.
- This is an alternative field to use when viewing an inactive employee to see when they were terminated.
* Fields that must be populated PRIOR to importing employees into the system.