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Alternative Employee Fields for Import into Talent Management

When importing employees in bulk into Talent Management, there are non-required fields that can be used when importing them.

For more information about importing employees into Talent Management, you can refer to the following article.

User Fields Field Description
Middle Initial The middle initial of the employee.
Work Phone, Home Phone, and Mobile Phone Employee's respective phone number(s).

Use values of "Male" or "Female".

Ethnicity The available ethnicities to use are:
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • Not Specified
  • Two or More Races
  • White
  • Groups are used to assign training, assign learning plans and restrict courses in the catalog.
  • The header for your spreadsheet would be [Group Title-Group Code].
  • The Group Code is the only field imported from the import file and Group Title appears when selecting to assign by the group.
  • If using an import file or API, Groups will need to be created before doing an import.
  • An employee can be assigned to multiple Groups.
  • Within the Import File, each group must be in a separate field/column, DO NOT place into one field and separate it with a comma.
  • For more information about groups, you can refer to the following article
  • Departments are used to assign training and to filter employees by within Succession Planning.
  • Department Name is used for the Import and is applied to the dropdown menu when selecting by the department.
  • If using an import file or API, Department(s) will need to be created before doing an import.
  • For more information about departments, you can refer to the following article.
Cost Center

Cost Center can be added to the employee profile manually or via the Import file. This is a free-form field.

  • The salary information, if populated, can be seen by the Manager's view of their direct/indirect reports and is optional to add to the header of an evaluation/performance review.
  • This field accepts numeric values only.
Job Title

Job Title is associated with an employee and seen within their profile by Manager and Admin.

Hire Date,
Last Promotion Date, and Next Evaluation Date Fields
  • These fields are important if using the Performance Module.
  • Evaluations can be assigned by Hire Date, Last Promotion Date, or Next Evaluation Date.
  • If these fields are not populated, the only option to use when scheduling evaluations is Custom Date.
  • These fields can be viewed by the Manager and Admin.
Last Raise Date and
Last Raise Amount Fields

If populated, only viewable by the manager of the employee or an administrator of the Talent System and sometimes helpful to see within the system when doing performance reviews. 

Termination Date
  • A termination date does not automatically make an employee Inactive.
  • This is an alternative field to use when viewing an inactive employee to see when they were terminated.

* Fields that must be populated PRIOR to importing employees into the system.

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