Module Navigation

Employee Tab for Demographic Info in Core HR

The "Employee" tab will help you maintain the employee's work-related information such as work contact information, employee status, manager(s) the employee is assigned to, and more.

Navigating to Demographic Info - Employee Tab
  • From the menu, expand Employee and click Demographic Info.


  • If already viewing an employee profile, you can hover over "Employee" to show the available pages. Click Demographic Info.


  • Click the Employee tab from the Demographic Info page.



The following fields are available on the 'Employee' tab. Some fields are required for the employee profile and will be marked in red. If a field should be required from the Administrator portal, please refer to the following article for more information on how to make a field required.

  • Employee ID
  • Work Email - The work email will be used for any system-generated emails such as Account Verification emails, Enrollment information, Time Off approvals, etc.
  • Employee Status - Employee Status values are pre-defined and cannot be changed.
  • ACA Status - ACA Status values are pre-defined and cannot be changed.
  • Employee Type - The Employee Type values can be modified/updated from the related Field Value Setup page. For more information, you can refer to the following article.
  • Benefit Status - Benefit Status values are pre-defined and cannot be changed.
  • Pay Schedule - The Pay Schedule field will dictate the number of pay periods used within the employee’s compensation record. It will also be used to determine the number of pay periods used within the Benefit Management module. For more information about setting up your pay schedule, you can refer to the following article.
  • Payroll Pay Group - The Payroll Pay Group values can be modified/updated from the related Field Value Setup page. For more information, you can refer to the following article.
  • Change Effective Date - The 'Change Effective Date' field will appear any time the Employee Status, ACA Status, and/or Benefit Status fields are updated. This field tracks the employee’s status history and will be logged within the employee’s Benefits > ACA Profile > Employee Status History page. The Employee Status History is used for ACA reporting.
  • Hire Date
  • Original Hire Date
  • Benefit Eligibility Date - Calculated by your benefit global waiting period if one has been configured. If a benefit global waiting period has not been configured, the calculated date will default to the day the employee is added to the system. The value created can be overridden by disabling the box and manually entering the data.
  • Retirement Date
  • Alt. Service Date 1/2
  • Termination Date
  • Termination Reason -  The Termination Reason values can be modified/updated from the related Field Value Setup page. For more information, you can refer to the following article.
  • Title
  • Manager Checkbox- Allows the employee to be included in any "Time Manager" and "Performance Manager" menus.
  • Work Flow Resource Checkbox - Allows the employee to be included as a potential resource for the Workflow Management module.
  • Time Manager - The time manager should manage the employee time, time off requests, etc.
  • Perf. Manager - The performance manager that should manage the employee performance.
  • Work Phone & Ext.
  • Mobile Phone
  • Work Fax
  • Hours Worked
  • Department - The Department values can be modified/updated from the related Field Value Setup page. For more information, you can refer to the following article.
  • Job Code - Can be used for mass assignments of evaluations if using the Performance module. The Job Code values can be modified/updated from the related Field Value Setup page. For more information, you can refer to the following article.
  • Facility 1/2 - Facility 1 is used for EEO-1 Component 2 Reporting.
  • Additional Household Income
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