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Can I Update an Existing Job Posting for the ATS?

In the event that you need to update an existing job posting, you cannot update the job posting directly. You will instead need to close the existing job posting, duplicate it, make your changes to the duplicate, then post the updated duplicate job posting. 

Closing a Job Posting

  1. Click Jobs from the top menu.


  2. Click the job title that should be closed and duplicated.


  3. Click the Edit_Icon_-_00.png edit icon next to Status under the Job Information column on the right-hand side.


  4. Change the status to Closed.


  5. Click Save Changes when finished.


  6. You should see a confirmation prompt to confirm the closing of the job posting and what closing a job posting will entail.


Duplicating a Job Posting

  1. Return to the Jobs page.


  2. Click Post a Job towards the top-right, click From Existing Job, and click the recently closed job posting. 


  3. Update the job posting details as needed.


  4. Post the job as normal.
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