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Setting Up and Using Time Card Approvals for ExakTime

Time Card Approvals in ExakTIme allow your employees, supervisors, and admins to indicate that the time cards are accurate for the given day/pay period. Time cards can be viewed and approved by employees and supervisors from ExakTime Mobile for flexibility in approving their time as long as they have internet. Employees, Supervisors, and Admins can also approve time cards from ExakTime Connect allowing a comfortable experience for supervisors and admins to review and approve/sign off time cards for multiple employees.

Time cards can be approved on a daily or per-period basis with three levels of approval.

  • Employee Approval - Employees can approve/unapprove their time card from ExakTime Connect and/or ExakTime Mobile.
  • Supervisor Approval - Supervisors can approve/unapprove an employee's time card from ExakTime Connect and/or ExakTime Mobile.
  • Sign Off - The ExakTime Administrator can sign off on a time card to deem it complete and suitable for payroll on ExakTime Connect. When an employee's time card has been "Signed Off" the lower-level approvals can not be removed and there can be no further time card edits.

We also offer a video training for this topic on Arcoro Learning.

Everything you need to know about setting up and using time card approvals are listed below.

Table of Contents

Things to Note

  • Time Card Approvals can be done from:
    • Approving via ExakTime Connect - Employees can approve time cards for the current or any previous pay period.
    • Approving via ExakTime Mobile - Employees can only approve time cards for the current and up to one previous pay period.
  • If a time card has been approved daily, it is possible that the time someone is approving may not necessarily be the final time that an employee is ultimately paid for. There could be instances where the application of policies has the potential to change the hours of approved days.
  • When an employee's time card has been approved at the supervisor or sign-off level, any lower-level approvals cannot be removed until the higher-level approvals are removed.
    • For example, if an employee approves their time card and the admin signs off on the time card, the employee cannot remove their approval.
  • A user can edit an approved time card if they have a higher-level approval that the current approvals. If they edit the approved time card, the approvals will be removed and must be reapproved.
    • For example, if an employee approves their time card and an admin edits the time card, the approvals will be removed for the employee to reapprove. The employee will not be notified that the approvals have been removed and should be notified through company approved channels.
  • After a time card has been approved, punches made after the approval from the field will not reach the employee's time card, but will instead go into a Quarantined Time menu of Time Card Summary. The records will sit in the Quarantined Time section until all the time card approvals have been removed.
  • Time card approvals will not affect the use of AccountLinx. Time card approvals are indicators that the time card is accurate by multiple parties, but an admin can still export the time from AccountLinx even if they have not been approved. 

Setting Up Time Card Approvals

Getting started with time card approvals is a quick and easy process where you simply need to enable the time card approval option and grant permission to the appropriate security roles. 

Approving/Unapproving a Time Card

Approving a time card can be done in ExakTime Connect and ExakTime Mobile. After enabling the permissions for the ExakTime Connect/Mobile Security Roles and assigning them to the employees and supervisors, they will see the "Approve Time" button from ExakTime Connect Time Cards and/or the Approvals menu on ExakTime Mobile.

After a time card has been approved, you can use the same steps to unapprove a time card, if able.

Reviewing Time Card Approvals

After you and your employees have approved your time cards, you can review their approvals on ExakTime Connect from the Time Card Summary or Time Card Details.

Troubleshooting Time Card Approvals

If you or your employees encounter any issues with being unable to approve their time card, you can refer to our dedicated article that covers all known scenarios and troubleshooting.

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