Module Navigation

How to Add a New Course for the LMS

Navigating to Add New Course

From Learning Management, click LMS Admin, click Courses, then click Add New Course.



The following fields/options must be set up prior to adding a course:

Setting Up Course Information

eye.svg  = Fields the employee sees when viewing the course

* = Required fields

Course Details


  • * eye.svg Course Title - Appears in the course catalog list, the employee transcript, and on reports
  • * eye.svg Training Type - Default options are: Instructor Led Training (ILT), Online Training(OLT), Virtual Instructor Led (VILT), On the Job Training (OJT), and Task
    • If you have selected Online Training (OLT)
      • A message and link will appear to the right, prompting you to go to the Manage Online Courseware page to upload courseware files. Read more about managing online courseware.
    • If you have selected On the Job Training (OJT) or another Training Type that is not online or classroom based, a Launch Button URL field will appear to the right of the Training Type field
      • Enter URL beginning with http:// or https://
      • The system will open a new browser window/tab when the employee launches the course
      • The system does not automatically track progress or completion when the Launch Button URL is used. To mark a non-online or classroom-based course complete, see 'Autocomplete Course' under 'Advanced' below.
  • eye.svg Course Number - The course number will be automatically created once the course is saved. Administrators should use the Version Number or Reference number for internal numbering or tracking of a course.
  • eye.svg Course Reference Number - Typically used within an organization as a numbering sequence to track courses.
  • Course Version Number - This should be altered each time a course is replaced or refreshed
  • eye.svg Duration - Enter the length of time it will typically take an employee to complete this course. This helps employees determine how much time to dedicate when completing the course. This will populate the Training Hour widget on the Dashboard.
  • eye.svg Category - A course can belong to multiple categories and allows employees to locate the course by searching within the catalog by Category. To add a Category, you can refer to Complete Guide to Categories for Talent Management
  • * eye.svg Course Description - Employees will see the description when viewing the course in the catalog as well as when viewing course details after registration. Add information to help the employee decide if this is the right course for them. Photos, HTML, and links are all supported
    • Click the ATS - insert Image - 01.png image icon to insert an image by the image URL. The image URL must be publicly available (images stored on some cloud storage providers may not be publicly available and can only accessed within the cloud website.). You can right-click on a web image, click 'Copy Image Address', then paste the image URL into the 'Source URL' field on the LMS. Be mindful of using image URLs outside of your organization/control in the event that the image is taken down.

      ATS - Job Templates - Insert Image - 00.png

Courses remain "Inactive" until the course is activated. See 'Activating a Course' below.

Advanced Settings


  • eye.svg Cost - Add to run reports on the cost of a course and track ROI
  • eye.svg CEU - Continuing Education Unit earned upon course completion
  • eye.svg Mastery Score - Communicates to the employee what the passing score is. Enter a percentage or letter grade, depending on your course scoring.
  • eye.svg Approvals - If selected, the employee would see "Request Approval" versus "Enroll." All approvals are done within the Approval Queue
    • Instructor - The selected instructor for the course will approve anyone requesting to take the course
    • Training Admin - Anyone with the "Training Admin" role assigned to them will approve anyone requesting to take the course
    • Supervisor - The employee's direct supervisor is responsible for approving their employee for the course
  • Autocomplete Course - This feature can be used with a non-classroom or non-online course type (see above). Courses set to Autocomplete will be automatically completed with the status of 'Complete-Passed' when an employee clicks the Open Course button and/or completes a required acknowledgment. This presents a great opportunity for courses to be added to the course catalog which is intended primarily for employee self-service.
  • eye.svg Reference Materials Link - Add a link to documentation in the Knowledge Base or anywhere employees are able to access relevant documents
  • External Enrollment Link - If course resides outside the LMS, a link to the vendor's site can be added. Completion for external training is NOT captured automatically and needs to be updated by a manager or administrator.
  • Date Created - When the course was initially added to the catalog
  • Date Updated - Update this field if any updates are made to this course
  • Last Review Date - Populate and update this field accordingly if you have a course review process in place
  • eye.svg Author - Designates who is responsible for the creation of this course
  • SME Name - Subject Matter Expert name should be the person who supplied the content or knowledge for the course
  • Review Frequency - Free text field to keep notes on how often the course should be reviewed
  • Training Providers - Select providers that apply. To add a training provider, you can refer to Complete Guide to Training Provider
  • Competencies - Employees can search the catalog via a competency. Competencies are part of the Performance Module and can be added/edited by going to: Modules > Evaluations > Evaluation Admin > Add/Edit Competencies
  • Course Notes - Add any other notes about this course



Prerequisites are the course(s) an employee must complete prior to registering for a course.

To add a prerequisite course:

  1. Select a course from the Available Courses list
  2. Use the right-pointing arrow button to move it to the Selected Courses area.
  3. Multiple prerequisites can be added to one course by holding Shift while selecting prerequisites.

When viewing the course catalog, an employee can see if there is a course prerequisite assigned by viewing the PreReq column.



Instructors will be the ones instructing the course. Assigning instructors at the course level will limit the instructor choices when assigning at the class level.

To add an instructor:

  1. Select an instructor from the Available Instructors list
  2. Use the right-pointing arrow button to move it to the Selected Courses area.
  3. Multiple instructors can be added to one course by holding Shift while selecting instructors.

If the instructor you need is not listed, you can refer to the steps in Adding a New Instructor

Catalog Restriction Rules


Catalog restriction rules allow the course catalog to be restricted based on the course needs of a certain department, location, or group. By adding a restriction rule, users in the selected department, location, or group will be able to see courses that are restricted when viewing the course catalog. Multiple restriction rules can be added to each course.

Create a new catalog restriction rule:

  1. Click Add New
  2. Choose a Department, Location, or Group to restrict using the corresponding drop-down menu
  3. Click Save

Edit or Delete a restriction rule by selecting the "..." button in the Action column



Read more about course acknowledgments here.

Activating a Course

  1. After creating the course, click Course Catalog from the top menu.


  2. On the right, mark the checkbox 'Include Inactive Courses'. Click Go next to the search bar.


  3. A column will appear labeled "Active." Search by keyword or look for a status of Inactive.


  4. Click on the name of the course to view the course information.


  5. Click Activate Course.


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