By scheduling an evaluation, the form will automatically get assigned to the employee based on the options chosen in the schedule. Employees will be notified via email upon the evaluation assignment.
Navigating to Schedule Evaluations
Go to Performance Admin in the menu bar and click Schedule Evaluations from your Performance module.
How to Schedule an Evaluation
- Click New Item... towards the top-left. A menu should appear.
Evaluation Form - Select an evaluation form from the drop-down menu. If you have not set up an evaluation form, you can refer to the following article for assistance.
Schedule Rules - Set your schedule rules based on the Job Code(s) and/or People. Click Add towards the right and select Job Code(s) or People from the drop-down menu. An option will appear to select the Job Code(s) and/or People. Click Save after making your selection.
- If Job Code is selected, it will only include those employees in the job code at the time of scheduling.
Exception Rules - Set your exception rules based on Evaluation(s) and/or People. Click Add towards the right and select Evaluation(s) or People from the drop-down menu. Click Save after making your selection.
- An example of when an "Evaluation(s)" exception rule would be used: If a 90 (ninety) day evaluation was assigned and completed in May and annual performance reviews are done in July, it may not make sense to have the employee complete the annual performance review. They would have just completed their 90 (ninety) day review. In this case, an exception rule could be created for the 90 (ninety) day review and if assigned 200 days prior to the annual review, it will not be assigned to those employees. The "If assigned days prior" would also need to be populated and this is where the '200' from the example would be added.
Schedule By - This will trigger the assignment to occur automatically based on the date option selected. Some selections will present additional fields beneath "Schedule By". Refer to Assign Evaluation if you do not want the assignment to trigger by any of the dates below.
Hire Date - Based on the Hire Date field within the employee profile under Account Admin.
- If this option is selected, a field for "Days after Hire/Promotion" will appear beneath "Schedule By" for you to specify how many days after a promotion the employee should receive the evaluation.
Next Evaluation Date - Based on the Next Evaluation Date field within the employee profile under Account Admin. This will need to be manually updated within the Account Admin section with each new date or can be added via an import.
- If this option is selected, a field for "Schedule Days Before Due" will appear beneath "Schedule By" for you to specify how many days the evaluation should be sent out before it is due.
Last Promotion Date - Based on the Last Promotion Date field within the employee profile under Account Admin. This will need to be manually updated within the Account Admin section with each NEW date or can be added via an import.
- If this option is selected, a field for "Days after Hire/Promotion" will appear beneath "Schedule By" for you to specify how many days after a promotion the employee should receive the evaluation.
Anniversary Date - An evaluation will be scheduled for an employee on the anniversary of their hire date.
- If this option is selected, a field for "Schedule Days Before Due" will appear beneath "Schedule By" for you to specify how many days the evaluation should be sent out before it is due.
- For example, if an employee has a hire date of 5/2/2016; their anniversary date will be the next occurrence of May 2nd. This option will not provide any automatic recurrences of an evaluation; those options will still have to be selected with the evaluation schedule.
Custom Date - Used when an evaluation needs to be assigned based on a certain date.
- If this option is selected, a field to specify the date will appear beneath "Schedule By" for you.
- For example, if you do performance reviews every July, the Custom Date would support this. MUST be set for at least 1 day in the future to accommodate the scheduler that runs overnight for assignments.
Hire Date - Based on the Hire Date field within the employee profile under Account Admin.
Recurring - An evaluation can be set up to recur as often as you would like, based on the "Schedule By" option selected.
- Recurring Interval (Days) - How many days between evaluation assignments.
- Recurring Until - End date of evaluation assignment.
- Ongoing - If enabled, the evaluations completed within the recurring interval will be combined into one final PDF document, versus a document for each recurrence.
Must Complete By Days - The number of days that the recipient has to complete the evaluation.
- The best practice is to set this date out a generous amount to allow for additional completion time. Once the number of days has been met, there is no way to reopen the evaluation for those who choose to not complete the evaluation on time.
- This field can only be seen by Admins and there is no reminder email(s) tied to this specific field. Communication within the automated email, along with the evaluation instructions should indicate the deadline for completion.
Email Reminder Schedule - Schedule how often you would like recipients to receive an email reminder notice. Recipients may include both the employee and manager. Email reminders will not be sent once the evaluation has been completed.
Send a copy of the reminder to - This setting sends a carbon copy of the email reminders that are sent to the employee and manager.
- Be aware that if an employee or admin is selected, they will receive numerous emails for all evaluations assigned.
- Be aware that if an employee or admin is selected, they will receive numerous emails for all evaluations assigned.
Hide in Employees History - If enabled, the employee cannot view the form and only a manager or admin can view it.
Perspective - The perspective is who should be filling out the evaluation in the end.
- Self-Evaulation Only - If you have a self-evaluation only, change the perspective to 'Self.' The "Self Evaluation Completed First" checkbox will disappear.
- Manager Evaluation Only - If you have a manager evaluation only, change the perspective to manager and leave the "Self Evaluation Completed First" box unchecked.
- Self-Evaluation, then Manager Evaluation - If you have a self-evaluation first and a manager evaluation second, set the perspective to 'Manager' and check the "Self Evaluation Completed First" box further down the menu to ensure that the employee receives the evaluation before the manager.
Hide Manager Comments Until Evaluation is Finalized - If enabled, rater comments and ratings will be released to the employee only after an evaluation is finalized.
Self-Evaluation Completed First - If enabled, then the employee is to complete a self-evaluation first, versus just a manager completing the form. Once enabled, it will automatically populate the Self-Evaluation form name to equal the Evaluation Form name.
- Click Save when finished.
Assignment Notice and Evaluation at 2 AM CT
The evaluation notice of assignment and the assignment of the evaluation occurs around 2 AM Central Time the following day.
For Example, if setting up a schedule on Monday at 10:00 AM Central Time, the notice will go out on Tuesday at 2:00 AM.