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JobClock Hardware Battery Info And Requirements

The JobClock(s), FastTrakker, and FastTrakker Pros* require periodic battery changes or recharges to ensure optimal operation. Many of these batteries can be purchased from your local big-box store such as the Lithium 123 or CR2 battery.

While each battery has an average expected life, the battery life can be affected negatively by external factors like temperature, etc.

JobClock EX or LE

All of our JobClocks use a 3V Lithium 123 battery which is available in any store that sells camera batteries.

The average battery life for the JobClock, JobClock/EX, and JobClock/LE is 6 months.

JobClock Hornet

The JobClock Hornet has two batteries:

  • Rechargeable Lithium-Ion 3.7V battery to power the wireless communication of a Hornet and the JobClock touchpad
  • 3V Lithium 123 battery as a backup to power the JobClock touchpad.

The average battery life of the batteries is:

  • The Lithium-Ion 3.7V battery has an average life of 20 days when fully charged.
  • The 3V Lithium 123 battery has an average battery life of 6 months.

Please Note

The 3V Lithium 123 battery is only used when the rechargeable battery cannot power the Hornet. The 3V Lithium 123 battery will allow your employee to record their punches, but will not transmit them wirelessly.

Any unsent recorded punches will be sent once the Hornet has been adequately charged or if they are collected with a compatible device, such as JobClock Reader on Android or iOS (JobClock Reader on iOS can only collect from Hornets with a serial number starting with 62 or 64).

FastTrakker & FastTrakker Pro

 FastTrakker & FastTrakker Pro Sunset

The FastTrakker and FastTrakker Pro have been sunset and are no longer available or supported. We will keep this resource available for the foreseeable future for self-support.

Use Success Center to contact your account manager for alternative options.

Both the FastTrakker and FastTrakker Pro use a 3V Lithium CR2 battery which is available in any store that sells camera batteries.

The average battery life for the FastTrakker and FastTrakker Pro is 6 months.

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