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ExakTime, Advanced Time & Attendance
ExakTime Hardware
ExakTime Hardware
Resources about ExakTime-related hardware such as JobClocks and Keytabs.
Troubleshooting your JobClock EX, or LE
(Español) Cómo Colectar de Emergencia Registros de los Empleados de un Reloj de Trabajo (JobClock) con ExakTime Mobile
(Español) Colectar Horas de Trabajo de Los Empleados de Su JobClock EX o Hornet a Través de Bluetooth
(Español) Recolectando Registros de Trabajo de los Empleados de un JobClock/LE & Hornets a través de Bluetooth
How Time Punches & Battery Levels are Sent From Your JobClock Hornet
Clocking In/Out and Changing Your Location and/or Cost Code with Keytabs & JobClocks
Guide to JobClock/EX and LE Hardware
Guide to the JobClock Hornet
Guide to the FastTrakker Pro
JobClock Hardware Battery Info And Requirements
How To Collect From Your JobClock or Hornet
Guide To Setting Up Your JobClock Hornet for the Field
How to Collect from Your Jobclock with Your Fasttrakker Pro
Collecting from Your JobClock/EX or Hornet via Bluetooth
Collecting from Your JobClock/LE & Hornets via Bluetooth
How to Emergency Recollect From a JobClock with ExakTime Mobile
How to Emergency Recollect from a JobClock with your FastTrakker Pro
Adjusting Your Devices for Daylight Saving Time
Adjusting for DST on a JobClock using the FastTrakker Pro
Adjusting for DST on a JobClock/EX and LE
Adjusting for Daylight Saving Time on a Hornet
Where to Put Your JobClock at a Job Site
Installing SyncCenter
SyncCenter for ExakTime Connect
Troubleshooting Your FastTrakker Pro
Unable to Activate Bluetooth on JobClock EX or LE
Troubleshooting JobClock Hornet Not Transmitting Time Records
How Do I Order More Keytabs/JobClocks?
Expected Communication Issues for US Hornets with Serial Numbers Starting With 60 or 62